The Full Windsor

Thursday, January 11, 2007

New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve is a much bigger event in Chiang Mai then the virtually non event that Christmas day was. The main sqaure of Chiang Mai was filled with stalls selling food, crafts etc, a huge stage, lighting rigs, cameras, big screens and a VIP seating area. Through the evening they had various performances; dances and singers and various people getting up to say things. But it was all in Thai, and the screens didn't have subtitles, so we watched some of the dancing but mainly chose to wander the stalls that filled the streets in the area around the square. There seemed to be no real countdown, and through out the night people set off their fireworks and lanterns. The latter; large paper hotair balloons, filled the sky as people let them go "sending off all their good wishes for the year" as is the tradition here. At roughly midnight the sky was a blaze with the "offical" fireworks, set off from various hotels etc. We sat on the old wall just above the gate and had own little countdown with Americans around us. Then we enjoyed the splendor of the fireworks, and they were magnigicant, exploding right overhead in amazing vivid greens, reds and blues. Not as brilliant as Syndey or New York, but still fun to watch.


Blogger tommygun said...

hey cous! Sorry for the complete lack of replies to any of your emails - I should be beaten with a cane! I have been reading all your wonderful travel stories - you're a great short story writer...

Hey I heard on the news or somewhere that some bombs went off on new years in thailands capital - what was the go with that? were you guys anywhere nearby?

6:02 PM  
Blogger Sethals said...

Thanks for beating yourself with a cane on my behalf Tommy! I have enjoyed describing our exciting adventures - cheers for the compliment!

1 bomb in Chiang Mai, sort of near us... but in a Muslim mosque over the other side of the city. In Bangkok, however, there were 9 bombs on New Year's Eve! We're fine though :-) hence this comment!

8:24 PM  

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